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Legal name:

Fundacja Digital Creators

Digital Creators Foundation

Business name:

Digital Creators



Legal address:

Puławska 457

02-844 Warszawa, PL

Establishment country:



+48 508 959 665





Organization ID:




Legal status:


A legal person

Private entity


VAT Number:


Registration number:


Registration date:


Legal representative:

Anna Duda-Maczuga



+48 509 795 458

Piotr Maczuga

managing director, founder


+48 508 959 665


and experience:

Digital Creators Foundation has been founded in 2019. Our professional mission is to remove technological barriers for all those who have the ambitions to teach others, to create a society consciously and efficiently taking advantage of the surrounding tools. We operate especially in the field of the material heritage of Europe's education, culture and art, as well as methods of its preservation by means of digital techniques.

How do we carry it out? Our business consists of 4 goals:

1. Education: We teach those who teach others, so that they receive practical tools ready to be used at any time: training, workshops, online courses.

2. Popularization: The evangelization of all those interested, to make them aware of the importance of digitally supported education: public speeches, presentations, consultations

3. Publications: Digital and traditional publishing in order to popularize the developed methods and tools: webinars, e-books, books

4. Support: Active support in the full scope of designing and carrying out original projects for education and culture: a database of contacts, analyzes, and EU funding

Currently, the foundation has eight people in its team. These persons are paid occasionally in connection with running projects. For two people, the foundation is the main place of professional and business development. Therefore, the foundation plans to launch 3 more  permanent jobs in 2021-2022. The Foundation has a very wide range of experts. This is due to the fact that its founders have extensive experience in the field of digital education and large networks of professional contacts. The Foundation is therefore focused on efficiency, and not on building bureaucratic structures - in accordance with the principles on which start-up teams are built.

We strive to reach educators and creators with the help of modern tools and enable them to participate in the digital world. On a daily basis, we carry out didactic and business activities in various places and projects. Most of our activities are directed to those who teach others - both professionally and occasionally.

Currently, the development of many industries and sectors of the economy and culture depends on two important factors: mastering the tools and technologies of the digital world (so as not to become a digital illiterate) and the ability to become an informal educator for others almost on demand (to be able to share own experience). Despite the sincere intentions of many organizations and people who work in them, this is not a simple task.

Relevant activities:

The Digital Creators Foundation has implemented numerous and ambitious projects in last 3 years of work. A large part of them significantly affect the adult education market in Poland, and their achievements are taken into account in the nationwide creation of regulations on education. Some examples are:

  • We are the partner in Erasmus+ Programme KA2 Project 2021-1-BE02-KA220-VET-000029632 DigAge+ - The project is aimed to give people opportunities to learn at any stage in life and targets both skilled professionals as well as less-experienced workers, including those looking for a professional change and novel job opportunities.
  • We are the partner in Erasmus+ Programme KA2 Project 2023-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000160220 EMPOWERING M-Women in Industry - where we create complex digital materials, including a serious game in a virtual environment, as a psychological diagnostic tool.
  • We have developed a set of Remote Education Standards for the entire training market in Poland (currently in the implementation phase).
  • We have developed conservation and research work in the Santo Domingo Monastery in Lima, enriching the entire process with virtual reality. We used a unique method of processing photos of conservation documentation without the need for 3D scanning in the other hemisphere.
  • Active work in the Sectoral Council for Development Services (Rada Sektorowa ds. Usług Rozwojowych) at the Polish Agency for Industrial Development (PARP - Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości) and contribution to the establishment of the so-called Remote Development Service Standards.
  • For the same organization, we have prepared an implementation action "Academy of Competences Necessary to Implement Remote Development Service" - a comprehenshive  project and implementation covering the training several hundred Polish educators in the field of converting their business into digital models.
  • Digital Creators Academy - cyclical implementation projects for Polish training companies (a program and implementation of 15 practical workshops)
  • Digital Learning Experience Survival Kit - a commercial project aimed at selection and adaptiation of ready-made digital solutions for lecturers and students.
  • Phantom VR - a project carried out together with the Warsaw University of Technology, aimed at creating tools that connect virtual reality with the real world in a simple manner. It allows you to use VR without specialized goggles.
  • Multimedia Journey of the Monument Conservator - a project combining the achievements of artists and art historians with cultural heritage by designing and implementing digital participation tools.
  • Design and equipment for an educational mini-studio for the Polish Chamber of Training Companies (Polska Izba Firm Szkoleniowych)
  • VET WEEK 2020 - general organization and conducting of a remote conference for the Foundation for the Development of the Education System (Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji).
  • Together with the experts of the National Agency of the Erasmus+ Program, we have prepared a digital edition of implementation workshops for beneficiaries of the Erasmus+ program.

The Foundation's team spent over 400 hours in the last 12 months for conducting trainings and workshops.

To sum up: our core competences are based on the implementation of digital learning methodologies in different markets and for different target groups.

Recent international projects:

  • Erasmus+: DigAge+ - Digital upskilling of the existing ageing workforce - 2021-1-BE02-KA220-VET-000029632
  • Erasmus+: EMPOWERING M-Women in Industry - 2023-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000160220 
  • Erasmus+: RELICA - Recycling Skills to Improve Literacy, Language and Communication Competences through Artistic and Digital Creation - KA220-ADU
  • Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway grants: Standards for distance education - EOG/21/K4/W/0124W/0234

Skills and expertise

of the key staff:

PIOTR MACZUGA - For over a decade he has been dealing with the use of new technologies in adult education. He creates and implements in organizations based on technologies, which combine modern marketing and education. Co-author of textbooks on webinars, webcasts, knowledge pills and others. Methodologist, author of training courses on the use of

multimedia in teaching and business and publications devoted to this subject. On a daily basis, he manages many digital initiatives, eg.: the Digital Space - a studio for the production of educational multimedia content in Poland operating within the Digital Knowledge Village ecosystem. His professional mission is to remove technological barriers that prevent those who have the

ambition to teach others to support the creation of a society that consciously and efficiently uses the tools around us. He worked in 23 countries in 12 LdV and E+ projects. He co-created 31 products as co-author of many handbooks, guides, methodologies distributed in sixteen languages in whole Europe. He also developed websites, e-learning platforms, portals. and conducted many workshops, webinars and trainings. He was also the Chief Technology Officer in EdTechHub Acclerator where he built and implemented his own educational programs for startups in Poland. He creates content and lectures for entities such as the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, the University of Warsaw, and the WSB University in Bydgoszcz and Toruń.

He is the ambassador of EPALE (European Commission platform) in Poland from 2018.

Piotr was involved as an expert or project coordinator in running more than 20  LLP projects in previous years (from 2009).

SŁAWOMIR ŁAIS - Entrepreneur, innovator and educator. Best known as co-inventor of Learning Battle Cards – the framework and tools to introduce design thinking into instructional design space. This crowdsourced approach started in 2015 and has grown to be used by hundreds of educators in over 50 countries. Author of a book about efficient learning processes (Wolters Kluwer 2015). Enthusiast of implementing models and practices from different areas (game industry, UX) into learning design. Focused on learners engagement. Co-author of research LPES 2012 (the research of e-learning expectations in Polish companies). Leader of OSI CompuTrain – company providing e-learning solutions for organizations. Learning UX specialist with over 20 years of experience in local and international projects including Equal initiative and LdV. Polish Association of Training Companies member of the board and expert in field of digital education. Author of the “White book of Polish non-formal education”. Presenter on many conferences, academic teacher in field of maths and learning process design.

MARCIN MAJKOWSKI - a specialist and enthusiast in additive and immersive technologies. He has been involved in 3D printing, virtual reality, and augmented reality since 2014. During this time, he has collaborated with companies such as Skoda, McDonald's, Philip Morris International, Breck, Tikkurila, and others. He has prototyped and implemented immersive technologies in industries including automotive, agri-food processing, construction, medical, as well as in museums and historical sites. Over his multi-year professional career, he has specialized in creating virtual reality experiences for trade fairs and events in shopping galleries, personally accompanying several thousand people in their first experience with this technology. He is a 3D graphic designer and programmer, and is very eager to share his experiences and knowledge.

prof. JACEK MARTUSEWICZ - vice-rector and professor of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Employee of the Department of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Head of the Laboratory of Conservation and Restoration of Ceramics at the Department of Conservation and Restoration of Sculptures and Elements of Architecture. Author of numerous conservation projects for the most important Polish museums, such as: the Museum of King Jan III Sobieski's Palace in Wilanów, the National Museum of Przemyśl Land in Przemyśl, as well as private companies and collectors. From the beginning of his professional career, he has been involved in the conservation of monuments at archaeological sites. Participant of work in archaeological missions in Egypt, Israel, Lebanon and currently in Peru (including Machu Picchu, Santo Domingo monastery in Lima).

TOMASZ KUC - Graphic designer with a strong typography mindset and 20+ years of experience in planning and implementing of publishing projects (digital and analog) then strategist and specialist for publication planning. Co-owner and managing partner in Foxrabbit Designers studio. Adobe Indesign and Adobe Acrobat pro user and trainer. Member and lecturer in

Adobe Creative Suite User Group. A technical editor in a few scientific and non-scientific journals (Medical Science Monitor, Farmacja Polska, Życie Weterynaryjne, Inżynier Budownictwa). He also participated as a lecturer in some design conferences and events in Poland (Kroje, KrakTypo) and as a trainer for co-authored (with Sławomir Łais) "Modern techniques of visual communications" training. As a mentor, he cooperated with Polsko-Japońska Akademia Technik Komputerowych in a graduate internship program. For 10+ years he has managed the design and data visualization projects for Frontex - EU Agency. As a member of the Dobry Skład design collective, he works as a customer experience designer and developer for P4 Play.